“My drive home was all gray skies.
This setting came as quite the surprise
Because, just yesterday, my skies were bright
And the sun hung high. Today, there is no light,
But a thick veil hangs over the roads—no...
Haunts the roads. It haunts and worries, I drive slow.
I was going to read after my journey home.
Before I made it inside, I plucked at trash and cleaned the gnome.
Dirty dishes graced my kitchen, so I cleaned those,
And then my pajamas were dirty and I did a load of clothes.
But after all this, I sat down and forgot my book,
Instead took out a ball of tangled yarn and a hook.
As I sat again with my yarn and hook to untangle the mess,
A pestering noise made me concentrate less.
I throw my things down and follow the noise to find
The leaky kitchen faucet that’s affecting my mind.
I fixed this last week on another gray, gray day,
But I guess this problem is simply returning to play.”