Back in August, my dad got on a kick about me buying him a hat that said “Samford Dad.” I jokingly gave him a hard time about it and pretended to be embarrassed every time he wore it out in public with me, but it always made me happy to know he is so proud of me. I’m determined to see this goofball wear that borderline embarrassing hat again.
As far as updates go, there’s not a lot to say yet. He’s still on a ventilator, but the oxygen help is slowly being lowered. He has a long road ahead but is going in the right direction now, according to the nurse today.
I get asked “How are YOU doing?” pretty frequently. It’s really hard—not going to sugarcoat that. But I’ve finally gotten in my head that no matter what, God’s plan is better than mine. It’s heartbreaking knowing that I didn’t get to spend Thanksgiving with him and that he won’t get to wish me a happy birthday, but I also am so blessed by the people I’m surrounded by.
My family and I appreciate each and every prayer from everyone. We serve an amazing God, even when it feels like the world is crumbling around us.